TH&B Railway Historical Society

General Meeting

The next Membership Meeting of the TH&B Railway Historical


Sunday October 20, 2024 from 1-4pm.


HO Model Engineers Society


Eva Rothwell Centre

460 Wentwrth St. N. Hamilton, ON


1) William Warnick, grandson of the TH&B superintendent, Bill Warnick, will speak on his family history in relatiion to the railway and as a cottage owner at Port Maitland's Beckley Beach which was land owned by the TH&B. He has authored many articles on Port Maitland, Dunnville, and on the TH&B subjects such as the ship, stations and the bus.

2) Ron Tuff will have a presentation about the TH&B GP7s and the differences in the detailsof each locomotive. Using articles from the Historical Society's Focus and Ontarian, Ron recentlry reworked all the Homes Club GP7s and GP9s so the details match the prototype in the mid 1950s.

3) The HOMES Club will have their TH&B layout open and operating for viewing.



General Membership Notice

The General Membership Meeting notice will be mailed to all memebers

A PDF General Membership Meeting notice can be found here

Last Modified: October 8, 2024