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Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway FocusThe Official Newsletter of The TH&B Railway Historical Society |
Listed here are the Tables of Contents from Volume 9 of TH&B Focus, the official newsletter of the TH&B Railway historical society. Focus is published quarterly.
Listed for each issue are the articles and columns appearing in the issue. For articles, the author of the article is listed.
Also listed are the photos and graphics appearing in the issue. For the most part, the photos and graphics are listed for each article. Photos and graphics not associated with an article are listed as Miscellaneous Images for the issue.
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Volume 9 Number 1: November 2005On the cover: TH&B Russell Snow Plow #X-786 is shown resting on top of the Aberdeen Avenue Subway in February 1985 after having completed a run over the Waterford Subdivision. Lance Brown Photograph. |
Article | Author | Photos and Graphics |
Head End Traffic on the TH&B: Part V TH&B Baggage Cars & Combines |
Kevin R. Leddy |
Line Baggage Car #50 builders photo, Canadian Car and Foundry's Montreal Plant, 1924; Cartier Railway #911, formerly TH&B #50, at Port Cartier, Quebec, 1960; Line Baggage Car #54 on the ETR at Walkerville, Ontario, 1986; #X-763, formerly #51, at Paint Shop Building at Aberdeen Yard Car Shops, May 1975; X-763 in use as a retaining wall, 1993; Line Baggage Car #52 as lunch and locker room and office, east of the Aberdeen Yard Office, March 1983; Line Baggage Car #52 as converted office, being demolished, August 1988; Baggage-Coach Combine #30 converted to Car Department Office at Coyle Yard in Welland, undated photo of burned frame of car; #45, originally #4965, converted to section shed at Coyle Yard, 1964; Canadian Car & Foundry builder photo of interior of TH&B all-steel Line Baggage Car; April 1924; interior of X-763 (Ex-#51) at USARCO, 1993; trailer-coach #302, Aberdeen Yard Car Department Paint Shop, March 1943; trailer-coach #302, Aberdeen Car Shop, being prepared for shipment to Andrew Merrilees, July 1955; Canadian Car and Foundry builder photo of TH&B all-steel Line Baggage Car during construction; baggage-coach #303 at Waterford, Ontario, 1953; Combine #37 at Hunter Street Station, circa 1933; #X-762 shown as tool and boarding car for 250-ton Industrial Brownhoist Crane #X-766. |
Centralized Traffic Control on the T.H.&B. | Reprinted from the October 1953 Edition of Canadian Transportation | Schematic of CTC at Hamilton and from Hamilton to Coyle. |
The Wheel Report: TH&B Historical Society Executive Report |
Along the Line: TH&B Photos | Chessie System GP-38's (B&O 4815, C&O 3885, B&O 4828) at Chatham Street Engine Terminal with Nanticoke Steel Train, November 2, 1983; war-faced RDC's on CPR train #721 at Hunter Street Station, Sunday October 25, 1970; 250-Ton Industrial Brownhoist #X-766 re-railing derailed CP 40' boxcar #57458 south of CNR overpass at Beach Road on Hamilton Beltline, June 9, 1972; Van #70 at Aberdeen Car Department Paint Shop with new black and yellow "Ti-Cat" paint, September 21, 1960. | |
Form 1003: Train Consist Report: Nanticoke Steel Trains, September 16, 1984 | ||
From the Archives Happy Holidays | Season's greetings bulletin from the Traffic Department, December 1971, with signatures of Jack Harrison, Jess Chapman, Ken Wilkins, Sandee Tinofejew, Fred Tucker, Greg Torrance, Tom Parker, Bill Cleland, Dave Holliday, Andy McGovern. |
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Volume 9 Number 2: February 2006On the cover: In August 1974, GP-7 #76 and GP-9 #401, bracket the cab of SW-9 #55 as the trio of engines idle away a hazy summer afternoon outside of the Chatham Street Roundhouse in Hamilton, Ontario. Ray Hoadley Photograph. |
Article | Author | Photos and Graphics |
Empire Observations: Carrying the Markers with a Touch of Class |
Kevin R. Leddy | TH&B illustration of observation car for advertisements appearing in the Hamilton Herald in late December 1930 and early January 1931; advertisement for the Empire State Express from the New York Central's Public Timetable Effective November 30, 1940; TH&B Car Accounting records for August 1st, 1949 and August 2nd, 1949. |
Hamilton & Dundas Street Railway Steam Dummy #3 at Penetanguishene | Brad Peters | Former Hamilton & Dundas Railway 0-4-0 tank engine #3 on display at the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum, fireman's side view; front view of #3 at Penetanguishene Centennial Museum; close-up of fireman's side of #3; undated photo #3 on display at the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum with dummy body; #3 at either Trout Creek or Temagami, Ontario, showing condition during its time of operation at Wm. Milne and Sons. |
The Wheel Report: TH&B Historical Society Executive Report | ||
Engineering Department: TH&B Foul Post | Engineering drawing of TH&B Foul Post; foul post protecting the fouling point of the track circuit connected to the automatic derail on the west leg of the wye at Kinnear Yard, summer 1976; SW-9 #55 at pot signal #363 at Wentworth Street, leading a transfer from Kinnear Yard to Aberdeen, August 1973. | |
Along the Line: TH&B Photos | 100-ton cylindrical covered hopper 1533 at S.C. Johnson's siding at Brantford, Ontario, August 2005; 100-ton cylindrical covered hopper 1517 at Southern Ontario Railway (SOR) - Canadian Pacific Interchange Track, Hamilton, January 14, 2006; 100-ton cylindrical covered hopper 1510 at Kinnear Yard, December 3, 2005; opposite side of 1510; 100-ton gondola TH&B 2692 on Track #5 East at Kinnear Yard, AUgust 2005; SW-9 #58 switching cars in the South Yard at Aberdeen, September 1978; 120-Ton Steam Derrick X-766 liftin 0-6-0 #51, Dundurn Street Team Tracks, mid 1940s; Conrail GP-9 #7430, Penn Central GP-9B #3819, GP-9 #7431 and GP-7 #5820 on TF-2 at Kinnear Yard, July 1977. | |
Form 1003: Yard Check - Fisher Yard, 0700, August 7, 1976 | ||
From the Archives 19th Annual TH&B Pensioners Christmas Dinner | TH&B Pensioners: Don Aggus, Engineer; Wayne Armstrong, Electrical and Communications Foreman, Engineering Department; Alex Bendes, General Auditor; Bob Boorman, Car Control Officer, Car Control Office, Aberdeen Yard; Jim Cakebread, Disbursement Accountant; Pete Conway, Storekeeper, Aberdeen Stores, Purchasing Department; Bill Duncan, Conductor and Relief Yardmaster; Ernie Durham, Engineer; Howard Ferguson, Conductor and Relief Yardmaster; Les Gowman, Stationmaster, Hunter Street Station, Hamilton; Bob Grisdale, Conductor and Relief Yardmaster; Sam Hilton, Engineer; Doug Hutchison, Conductor and Relief Yardmaster; Dorothy Ker, TH&B Employees' Credit Union and Widow of Don Ker, Agent, Kinnear Yard; Ray Lockhart, Signal Maintainer, Welland Subdivision; Gary Lumack, TH&B Accountant, Hamilton Freight Office; Jim Mitchener, Roadmaster; Fran Moon, Stenographer, Engineering Department; Joe Morden, Engineer; Larry Moriarity, Conductor and Relief Yardmaster; Marion Nelligan, Stenographer, General Managers Office; Larry Painter, Conductor; Lloyd Rankin, Conductor and Relief Yardmaster; Tom Rankin, Senior Car Control Clerk, Car Control Office, Aberdeen Yard; Jean Riches, Pricing Clerk, Disbursement Accounting Office; Dave Ricker, Engineer; Gord Rivers, Engineer and Relief Yardmaster; Floyd Robins, Communications and Signals Inspector, Engineering Department; Art Senegal, Carman, Aberdeen Yard; Ken Sheppard, Accounts Outstanding Clerk, Disbursement Accounting Office; Mike Shwedyk, Diesel Supervisor, Chatham Street Roundhouse; Frank Simpson, Conductor; Sam Speight, Conductor; George Spencer, Train Dispatcher; Ray Straughan, Conductor; Harry Swan, Engineer; Eileen Wilmot, Accounting, General Auditor's Office; Bob Wilmot, Transportation Accounts Clerk, Disbursement Accounting Office; Tom Winger, Yardmaster, Aberdeen Yard; Bill Woitowicz, Carman, Aberdeen Yard. |
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Volume 9 Number 3: May 2006On the cover: GP-7 #77 is about to enter the darkness of the Hunter Street Tunnel as it approaches the west portal with the East Local in June 1970. Ray Hoadley Photograph. |
Article | Author | Photos and Graphics |
Modeling the TH&Bs 3000 3599 Series 40-Foot Steel Boxcars From a Branchline Models HO-Scale Kit |
Willy Hatherley | Three TH&B boxcars showing all three paint schemes applied during the course of their service lives at Forest Avenue Freight Shed on the H.O.M.E.S. Club model railway in Stoney Creek, Ontario; end view of model boxcars; overhead view of model boxcars; model of TH&B #3569 in original Ti-Cat 1952 scheme; model of TH&B #3009 in modified Ti-Cat 1955 scheme; model of TH&B #3235 in as delivered 1949 scheme; prototype photo of end of #3211 at Aberdeen Yard; Branchline kit ends showing modifications to top rib; photo of Branchline kit end and Sylvan Scale Models end; assembly of model under frame. |
Work Equipment Cars of the TH&B Part 1 Painters Gang Equipment | John Spring | X-701, formerly combination coach and baggage car #36, with boarded up windows, undated photo; Canadian Pacific Railway folio diagram, December 1905, showing original profile and floor plan; #X-762 at Hamilton, September 16, 1951; Kinnear Yard Office, November 16, 1967. |
The Wheel Report: TH&B Historical Society Executive Report | ||
Engineering Department: Reportable Injury Sign | Engineering drawing of Reportable Injury Sign; monthly report issued by the Office of the Safety Agent detailing the total number of man-hours worked since the last reportable injury for Carmen at Aberdeen and Kinnear Yards. | |
Along the Line: TH&B Photos | Smithville Section Gang Tool House, 1964; NW-2 #53 with 250-Ton Industrial Brownhoist Crane #X-766 at Adams Yard, April 4, 1984; TH&B van #67 at Brantford, Ontario, 1953; former Port Maitland Station, August 1992; GP-7 #73, NW-2 #51 and SW-9 #57 with Extra East at Vinemount, 1985. | |
Form 1003: Train Consist Report: Extra East February 14, 1972 | ||
From the Archives Change of Card, August 1, 1957 | Change of Card, August 1, 1957. |
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Volume 9 Number 4: August 2006On the cover: In 1982, renowned artist Theodore A. Xaras, was commissioned by Christian Bell Porcelain to create a limited edition series of collector plates entitled "The Age of Steam". The second plate of the series was titled "Brief Encounter" and depicted two TH&B trains passing each other at speed. On October 4, 1982, a special presentation was made at Hunter Street Station in connection with the release of the plate. From left to right; Hoerst Mueller, Christian Bell Porcelain Representative, E.G. Webb, CP Rail District Manager, Marketing & Sales, J.A. Hill, TH&B General Manager, A. Mc Coy, Chairman, Hamilton Regional Conservation Authority and J.G. Beldham, TH&B Superintendent. TH&B Railway Photograph, TH&B Historical Society Archives Collection. |
Article | Author | Photos and Graphics |
Line Trains in Transition October 1948 |
Kevin R. Leddy with train consist information provided by Gus Milazzo | CPR Train #712 at Bronte, Ontario, Tuesday February 24, 1948; TH&B Train #374 at Stoney Creek, Ontario, Sunday May 2, 1948; TH&B Train #374 at Smithville, Ontario, Saturday May 29, 1948; CPR Train #752 at Mimico, Ontario, Sunday October 3, 1948; CPR Train #721 at Bronte, Ontario, Thursday October 21, 1948; CPR Train #721 at Bronte, Ontario, Tuesday October 26, 1948. |
Single Track Automatic Signals - Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway | As reprinted from the August 1915 edition of Canadian Railway and Marine World | Photo of train approaching signal in cut; TH&B system map; diagram showing signals, track, profile, and alignment at Hamilton Terminals; Eastbound Permissive Signal #574, 2760' East of Milepost 58 Waterford Subdivision; Westbound Permissive Signal #505, 2434' West of Milepost 50 Waterford Subdivision; schematic of minimum spacing under cautions signals; Schematic of minimum spacing under clear signals; schematic of trains approaching meeting point; schematic of trains at meeting point following Eastward train; schematic of trains meeting; schematic of trains proceeding from meeting point; Westbound Permissive Signal #461, 845' West of Milepost 46 Waterford Subdivision; Eastbound Absolute Signal #486, 300' East of East Switch Summit; Westbound Permissive Signal #461, 845' West of Milepost 46 Waterford Subdivision. |
The Wheel Report: TH&B Historical Society Executive Report | ||
Along the Line: TH&B Photos | TH&B Van #67 at Georgina Pioneer Village, Keswick, Ontyario, 2006; TH&B Van #71 at Puddicombe Winery and Farms, Winona, Ontario, July 13 2006; CPR GP-9u #1687, formerly TH&B GP-7 #77, at Kinnear Yard, July 14, 2006; TH&B 100-ton gondola #4202 at Welland Yard; June 25 2006. | |
From the Archives: Before Centralized Traffic Control |
TH&B Clearance Form A, Smithville, Train 374, January 8 1952; TH&B Form 19, Smithville, Train 374, January 8 1952. |