Freight Cars

The following table shows the list of former T.H. & B. freight cars and maintenance of way (MOW) equipment. This list was taken from Keith Sirman's notes of his visit to the CP Rail corporate archives in Montreal during the late 1980's.

Note that this information differs in some respects from the abbreviated table in Norman Helm's In the Shadow of Giants 1st edition, page 255.

Road Number Type Year Built Builder Total Length Capacity (Lbs.)
Service Span (approximate)
100 - 130 Flatcar unknown unknown unknown 34' 0" 60,000


200 - 249 Flatcar unknown unknown unknown 34' 6" 60,000


300 - 350 Boxcar unknown unknown unknown 34' 4" 60,000


351 - 490 Boxcar unknown unknown unknown 36' 0" 60,000


500 Steam Generator Car 1958 Chatham St. Shops 1 unknown n/a

This unusual piece of equipment was spliced together from the tenders of former NYC Hudsons 501 and 502. Now located at Steamtown painted in NYC livery. Click here to view a photo by Bill Turner, from the Morgan Turney collection.

520 - 529 Stockcar 1915 NSC 10 36' 0" 60,000

Fowler-patent cars built under license by NSC. Used from 1915-1941 (re# to 900 thru 909)

530 - 533 Stockcar 1913 NSC 4 36' 0" 80,000

Converted boxcars from first 3000-3999 series? 1934-1941 (re# to 910 thru 913)

550 - 551 Double-deck Stockcar 1915 NSC 2 36' 0" 60,000

Fowler-patent cars built under license by NSC. Converted to double-deck for hog shipments in 1925-1928.

x600 - x699 M.O.W. -- -- -- -- --


x700 - x754 M.O.W. -- -- -- -- --


X755 30 ton Crane 1952 American Model 1 -- --

Now CP Rail 414226

X756-X762 MOW -- -- -- -- --


X763 Converted Baggage Car 1924 C.C. & F. -- -- --


X764-X765 MOW -- -- -- -- --


X766 (first) 120 ton Crane 1913 Industrial Works, Bay City Michigan 1 -- --

Photo in Spring page 31.

X766 (second) 250 ton Crane 1954 Industrial Brownhoist 1 -- --

The second 250-ton crane in Canada. Now CP Rail 414651

X767-X785 MOW -- -- -- -- --


X786 Snowplow -- -- -- -- --

Photo in Shadow p. 309, or click here to view a Bill Turner photo from the Morgan Turney collection.

X787-X799 MOW -- -- -- -- --


801 - 806 Hart Gondola 1910 Hart Otis 6 32' 2" 80,000

1910- ???? (re# to ??)

807 - 856 Hart Gondola 1913 Hart Otis 50 32' 2" 80,000

1913- ???? (re# to ??)

900 - 909 Stockcar 1915 NSC 10 36' 0" 60,000

Fowler-patent cars built under license by NSC. Used 1941-1954 (re# from 520 - 529). John Riddell, in the November 1991 Railroad Model Craftsman stated that eight of these cars were still in service in 1965, and that the two others had been converted to double-deck cars for carrying hogs.

910 - 913 Stockcar 1913 NSC 4 36' 0" 80,000

1941-1955 (re# from 530 - 533)

913 - 916 Stockcar 1913 NSC 4 36' 0" 80,000


917 - 919 Stockcar 1913 NSC 3 36' 0" 80,000


920 - 929 Stockcar 1913/ 1915 NSC 10 36' 0" 96,000

1954-1956. Photo of 928 in Shadow p. 304.

s900 - s903 Store car -- -- 3 34' 4" 60,000

????-1934 (Converted from earlier cars?)

1000 - 1134 2-Bay Hopper 1914 NSC 135 30' 0" 100,000


1135 - 1149 2-Bay Hopper 1914 NSC 15 30' 0" 100,000


1200 - 1249 3-Bay Hopper 9/1960 NSC 50 40' 8" 170,000

1960-Present. Photo of 1249 in Shadow p. 308. or click here to view a photo of hopper 1218 taken by Stephen Bilik. From the Morgan Turney collection.

1500 - 1549 Cylindrical Hopper 3/1967 NSC 50 51' 2" 200,000

1967-Present. Photo of 1506 in Shadow p. 306. or click here to view a photo of cylindrical covered hopper 1536 taken by Morgan Turney.

1700 - 1734 Flat 1913 NSC 35 36' 10" 80,000


1800 - 1849 (first) Wooden Gondola 1901 -- 50 35' 0" 80,000


1800 - 1816 (second) Gondola 1913 NSC 17 36' 0" 80,000

1942-1946 (renumbered from 2400 - 2416 in 1942)

1800 - 1899 (third) Flat 10/1949 NSC 100 52' 6" 120,000

1949-Present. Photo in Shadow p. 307.

1901 - 1910 Gondola 1918 -- 10 40' 6" 88,000


1925 - 1949 Gondola 1913 NSC 25 35' 0" 80,000


1950 - 1974 Gondola 1913 NSC / CC&F. 25 35' 0" 80,000


1975 - 1999 Gondola 1913 NSC 25 35' 0" 80,000


2000 - 2099 Flat 1913 NSC 100 36' 10" 80,000

1913-1941 (renumbered)

2100 - 2109 Flat 1913 CC&F. 10 36' 10" 80,000

1913-1924 (renumbered)

2200 - 2275 Gondola 5/1941 NSC 75 48' 6" 155,000


2300 - 2399 Gondola 6/1953 NSC 100 52' 6" 156,000

1957-Present. Photo of 2346 in Shadow p. 304.

2400-2416 (first) Gondola 1913 NSC 17 36' 0" 80,000

1913-1942 (renumbered to 1800-1816?)

2400-2499 (second) Gondola 5/1957 NSC 100 52' 6" 156,000


2500-2524 (first) Coke Gondola 1913 NSC 25 36' 0" 80,000


2500-2549 (second) Gondola 9/1957 NSC 50 52' 6" 156,000


2600-2699 Gondola 2/1966 NSC 100 52' 6" 200,000


2800-2819 Covered Hopper 1/1956 NSC 20 36' 0" 156,000


2820-2829 Covered Hopper 9/1957 NSC 10 36' 0" 156,000


2830-2859 Covered Hopper 5/1962 NSC 30 36' 0" 156,000

1962-present. Click here for a photo of car 2839 taken in St. Thomas, Ontario, on November 3 2000 by Jeff Semper. Click here to view a photo taken by Dan Kirlin of 2841 from the Morgan Turney collection. A photo of 2841 also appears in Shadow on page 308.

2860-2889 Covered Hopper 2&3/1964 NSC 30 36' 0" 156,000

1964-present. Photo 2876 in Shadow p. 308.

3000-3999 (first) Wooden Boxcar 1913 NSC 1000 36' 0" 80,000


3000-3132 (second) Wooden Boxcar 1913 NSC 133 36' 0" 80,000


3000-3099 (third) Boxcar 5&7/1949 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000

1949-1 at present

3100-3199 (third) Boxcar 7/1949 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000

1949-1986. Photo of 3155 in Shadow p. 302-3.

3200-3299 (second) Boxcar 7&8/1949 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000

1949-2 at present. Photo of 3538 in Shadow p. 302.

3300-3399 (second) Boxcar 5/1953 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000

1953-1 at present

3400-3499 (second) Boxcar 5/1953 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000

1953-1 at present

3500-3599 (second) Boxcar 5/1953 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000


3600-3699 (second) Boxcar 5/1953 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000

1964-11 at present

3700-3799 (second) Boxcar 5/1953 NSC 100 40' 6" 100,000

1965-8 at present

3800-3849 (second) Boxcar 5-8/1949 NSC 50 40' 6" 100,000

Click here to view a photo taken by P. Wegner boxcar number 3848 from the Morgan Turney collection.

4000-4301 (first) Wooden boxcar 1913 NSC 302 36' 0" 80,000


4000-4014 (second) Covered Gondola 9/1957 NSC 15 52' 6" 165,000


4100-4109 (second) Covered Gondola 9/1957 NSC 10 52' 6" 180,000

1965-1967. Photo of 4108 in Shadow p. 305.

4200-4209 Covered Gondola 2/1966 NSC 10 52' 6" 180,000


4500-4799 Wooden Boxcar 1918 ACF 300 40' 6" 91,000


Source: CPR Corporate Archives, Montreal.

Last Modified: April 5, 2011